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Year 3 - Willow

Welcome to Willow class. Beginning their Key Stage 2 journey, Year 3 children now develop their approach to learning, moving away from play-based learning to more table-based writing, discussion and investigations.

Your child will study Maths and English every day, with reading and writing also permeating their other daily lessons. The opportunity to learn about the Romans this year is always a highlight, and off-site trips and visiting theatre groups are incorporated into your child's experience of termly topics.

Spanish and PE lessons are delivered by specialist teachers once a week, your child will be taught how to play the ukulele in their music lessons, and singing remains an integral part of the way the children learn, express and regulate themselves with opportunities to do this in both lessons and Collective Worship.

In RE, your child will be encouraged to understand and be sensitive to other people's faith, as well as to consider for themselves what they think and believe. They are taught to reflect on this alongside the School Vision, 'Rooted, Grow, Flourish', to understand how we can share a little of ourselves and our personal gifts to benefit our communities and the wider world.

Mrs Dale & Mrs Davenport